Anthem video launch for Hollywood actor Zoe Saldana’s new media brand: BeSE.
Creative development Scriptwriting Casting Filming Directing Production Post-Production Editing Finishing
Zoe Saldana’s BeSE is a new media platform with a mission to broaden and reshape the cultural narrative by shining light on the untold stories that reflect today’s America. We set out to create a launch anthem for the brand that promoted respect and admiration among the people who have the courage to say, “this is who I am.” The takeaway is a powerful, anthemic statement about the future we want America to be. 100 Studio took a brief from the BeSE launch team and translated that into this cinematic statement of the brand’s values within a matter of weeks. Handling creative development, production, casting and scriptwriting we brought together a diverse cast in three US cities to translate the brand’s values into real world examples that would move the needle on the future of America’s media.